6 Best Highest Paid Online Survey Sites

The most common, easiest but also legal way to make money quickly on the internet, paid online surveys are open to all Internet users without any distinction.

If you are looking for a way to make money on the internet easily and without much effort, a good solution is to take paid online surveys.

These platforms specializing in opinion surveys occasionally or regularly offer you to answer a series of questions for various studies.

Once the questionnaire has been completed and validated, you are then credited with a small sum of money that, once a certain threshold has been reached, You can often pocket it by bank transfer or as a gift voucher.

And contrary to what we think, there are many reliable platforms without any scams.

Enough to easily afford a small additional income while having fun. even if you have to keep in mind that paid surveys are not very remunerative for the time you have to devote to them.

What is an online survey?

Doing a survey just to give your opinion on a product, service or a specific question. The answers to be given can be checked by checking your favorite box or more accurately by saying “yes” or “no”, which is often the case for consumables.

Usefulness of an Paid Online Survey

The purpose of any survey is to assess whether or not they are satisfied with a particular product or service among a large audience. 

For the person or the company which carries out it, the online survey makes it possible to evaluate its notoriety and / or the needs of the market. We can therefore consider that the online survey is a marketing process.

How paid online survey sites work?

There are websites specializing in paid surveys and surveys that allow you to get paid to participate in online consumer surveys. Survey sites regularly send you surveys that you can complete. Each survey you participate in earns you money or points redeemable for gifts.

Do not expect to receive dozens of surveys per day, at most you will have one or two surveys per month and per qualified company.

Registration on these sites is done online after completing a more or less long questionnaire. Then you will receive your access codes to connect.

Think about sponsorship if the sites offer it, you will earn a lot of points.

And then, get dozens of surveys a week and watch the money pile up in your account!

To get started, you don’t need to quit your job; that’s good news, isn’t it?

The surveys are sent to you by email, a few hours a week will be enough for you to seriously complete them. You will then be paid after each survey.

Paid Online surveys

All the surveys are alike, some very long with pages and pages of questions… But there are also surveys to launch a new product, to find out whether the packaging is popular or the name of the future product.

Techniques to be effective

I recommend that you use Roboform (or software that looks like it). This will allow you to enter your personal information once and for all: name, first name, address, … then when you have to complete a survey, you just have to click once on Roboform for it to fill in these fields for you. .

Likewise, to receive 100 times more surveys, all you need to do is: register on 10 sites instead of one, and create 10 different addresses using those of your family, for example.


Some sites offer to remunerate you in the form of a draw (at the limit of French legality). If you have a choice, avoid it. What is the point of working several hours to have only one chance in 100 of being paid?

How to do paid online surveys?

If you are tempted by this practice, which allows you to put a little butter in the spinach, you will understand that responding to paid surveys is extremely easy. All you have to do is select the paid survey site (s) and register for free.

It is emphasized that the information provided must be real, and that your profile must be completed correctly. Sanctions, such as account blocking or total site banning, are provided for offenders who attempt to lie or create multiple accounts.

Once your profile has been duly completed, all you have to do is choose the survey (s) in which you wish to take part. You will click on the survey, you will respond and all you have to do is validate your participation for it to be registered. 

You will then see a line on your profile with the survey and the earnings collected, as soon as your participation is validated.

Make Money by Taking Paid Online surveys

Earning money by participating in surveys requires several qualities: patience, rigor and perseverance . Don’t expect to pocket crazy sums on these sites because you will be disappointed! But keep in mind that some of these platforms allow you to pocket several hundred euros per month.

To do this, you will need to be active, participate in as many polls, surveys and paid activities as possible each day, in order to grow your fundraiser. 

By picking up the pace, you will find that your earnings increase rapidly and all you have to do is transfer your due to an account (or transform it into vouchers), when the payment threshold is reached. The latter is variable but rarely too high on the sites we have chosen for you.  

Note that in addition to simple surveys, it is sometimes possible to win gifts or coupons through contests, participate in challenges or ephemeral missions or take part in the highly remunerative sponsorship system of certain platforms. , who pay you if you bring an acquaintance to register on the site.

6 Best Highest Paid Online Survey Sites

YouGov✔️Quick surveys
✔️Wide choice
✔️Many partnerships
Mingle✔️Top remuneration
✔️Most popular in France Product
Moolineo✔️Good remuneration
✔️Low payment threshold
✔️Easy to use
Swagbucks✔️The most popular
✔️Vast choice
✔️€ 412 million distributed
ipsosisay✔️Large choice of survey
✔️Functional application
✔️Created by IPSOS
Loonea✔️Partnership with major brands
✔️Pleasant interface
✔️Polls, emails, product tests, etc.

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